Monorailex 2022
A Forum for Ideas
Monorailex 2022
The International Monorail Association is excited to invite you to join its 14th annual conference, Monorailex 2022, scheduled to be held in Europa-Park Rust, Germany on September 16 through 18, 2022. In addition, there will be a Technical Visits Tour with stops in Nuremberg and Berlin from September 19 to 21, 2022.
This hybrid event takes place in advance of the world‘s largest trade fair for transport technology - InnoTrans. Monorailex 2022 is composed of presentation of scholarly papers and expert lecturers sharing their experience with the professional audience. Other highlights of the conference include the presentation of the first edition of the Technical Performance Specifications and a comprehensive monorail market study commissioned by IMA. And, as always, Monorailex will provide the invaluable opportunity to network with other professionals in the field.
We are very pleased and honored to announce Paulo Sèrgio Amalfi Meca, Director of Engineering and Planning at Metrô São Paulo, for the keynote speech, who will give some insights of the process of choosing the monorail mode to be implemented for Lines 15 and 17, challenges faced during construction and their experience as an operator.
Marko Krönke, President IMA
Event Information
For details of the event find all information on this site and the linked brochure.
Mission Statement
The mission of the International Monorail Association is to organize the global monorail sector, promote the application of monorail, publish information, and initiate and support standardization processes of monorail for public mass transport infrastructure.
Why Monorail?
Monorails today are an accepted alternative system for public transport. They are cost-efficient to build, safe, reliable, and environmentally friendly.
International Monorail Association
Schützenstrasse 19
3627 Heimberg, Switzerland
Tel. +41 33 4398085 | Fax +41 33 4398081
Conference Partner Link:
- taoms2023.org
- inforum2023.org
- ebko2023.org
- ulusalimmunoloji2023.org
- ega-2023.org
- cobes2023.org
- tphd2023.org
- eras2023.org
- trsgokolposkopi2023.org
- ceu2022.com
- congresosedvalencia2022.com
- gecon2022.org
- kbb2022.org
- wceh2022malaysia.com
- psgecongress2022.com
- intercomsudeste2023.com
- spaicprimavera2023.com
- ws2023jeonju.com
- ciei2023.com
- actforum2023.com
- ifss2023france.com
- medikalfizik2023.com
- nano2023.com
- environmentandemergenciesforum2023.com
- cef2023.com
- ewrs2022.org
- plastikcerrahi2022.org
- esam2022.org
- gida2023.org
- sowore2023.org
- klimik2023.org
- girisimselradyoloji2023.org
- acbc2023.org
- ioe2022.com
- emlg2022.com
- continental-lapree2022.com
- aphrs2022singapore.com
- isncon2022pune.com
- championnatdumondemilitairedetriathlon2023.com
- congresoisvis2023.com
- cursoisin-ranf-2023.com
- gkda2023.org
- csit2023.org
- piecon2023.org
- cerrahionkoloji2023.org
- 3godo2023.org
- pediatrikrehabilitasyon2023.org
- acds2023.org
- pats-resok-congress-2023.org
- losemilenfomamiyelom2023.org
- bioen2023.org
- ulusaldermatoloji2023.org
- genctrasd2023.org
- wtc2023turkey.org
- apma2023.org
- comit2023.org
- radkon2023.org
- peduro2023.org
- meche2023.org
- tmk2022.org
- iccec2023.org
- geriatrikhematoloji2023.org
- dubrovnikcardiohighlights2023.org
- vhsd2023.org
- dmis2023.org
- ardf2022.org
- aocc2022.org
- apfcbcongress2022.org
- tooling2022.org
- eosam2022.org
- monorailex2022.org
- gcworlds2022.org
- uniondesgauches2022.org
- dijitaleczacilikzirvesi2022.org
- sabaudia2022.org
- iccp2022india.org
- capb2022.org
- gsmm2022.org
- santemondiale2022.org
- ampicon2022.com
- twasummit2022.com
- communicatingsustainability2022.com
- waterrelationslisbon2022.com
- aplecalcoi2022.org
- afsumb2022.com
- iwac2022.org
- metabolizma2022.org
- hikon2022.org
- icg2022.org
- adkd2023.org
- aunqaic2023.org
- ippc2023.org
- ieeeccac2023.org
- mms2023.org
- giss2023.org
- sppsphd2023.org
- tjcas-tkcas-2023.org
- resilience2023.org
- segh2023.org
- capagastro2022.org
- cerrahionkoloji2022.org
- colloquium2022.org
- cmi2022antwerp.org togel Data Macau
Official Conference Link:
- congresoslaot.org
- eyicongress.info
- jazzconference.net
- 2docongresomundialdeterapiaexistencial.com
- adaletkongresi.org
- tuketicihukukukongresi.com
- sos-bihac.org
- inss-conf.org
- confraria-trotamontes.com
- ukicfconference.org.uk
- itmconference.org.uk
- congresossnm.org.mx
- baffinspondassociation.org.uk
1432 South Jones Blvd.
Las Vegas, NV 89146 USA
Tel. +1 702 220 6640 | Fax +1 702 220 7740